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We get it—submitting work often feels like sending your words into a black hole. We want to close the yawning gap between writers and editors, which is where Sophon Editor comes into play. Within a few weeks, receive a fast, pithy, and free paragraph of feedback on any and all work you've submitted or will hopefully submit to Sophon Lit. Feel free to reply with questions or clarifications, and we will respond (within reason, of course)! We want the submission process to be as transparent as possible. We want to elicit inspiration. We like sparking conversation—between us, and between writers.
Which brings us to the next component of Sophon Editor. If you would like a more detailed 2-page commentary on your work, you can sign up to provide a paragraph of feedback to 1 other piece submitted to Sophon Editor, which will be reviewed for approval before sending to the writer. We will email you with the piece and more details once one becomes available, and you will receive the 2-page commentary within two weeks after we approve and send your feedback. Writers with especially insightful or otherwise commendable feedback will receive a Sophonic Honor on our website!
Simply fill out the FEEDBACK form below if you
you're a past submitter, or mention in your submission email your desire to use Sophon Editor (and if you want the free or in-depth feedback option + if you are open to receiving additional feedback from other submitters), if you plan to submit to us in the future.
Sophon Editor Past Submittors Form

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